My main general scientific interest is galaxy evolution. In particular, I lead my independent research in two different lines on galactic centers at small scales and large disk structures in external galaxies. In addition, I have contributed to and I regularly join other projects on galaxy evolution, led by my collaborators, ranging from stellar populations or kinematics of galactic structures to gas properties, star formation, stellar feedback or active galactic nuclei (AGNs).
Galaxy formation and evolution are key to understanding the journey from the primordial to the current Universe and can be traced by the extraordinary wealth of morphological structures in nearby galaxies. I am an expert in the study of the properties and origin of internal structures that form and grow in galaxies at different spatial scales, and in how they fit into the context of galaxy formation and evolution. My expertise in both large- and small-scale structures in galaxies will enable me to connect the dots between the formation of the first galaxy structures and later galaxy evolution.
My ample experience with a wide range of state-of-the-art instruments spans from observing-proposal writing and observation planning, through data reduction, to data analysis and scientific interpretation. In particular, I am an expert in the analysis of stellar kinematics and populations of galactic structures, which bring the footprint of the past processes that shaped them, through (optical and infrared) integral-field spectroscopy (IFS) observations of galaxies. In addition to this, I frequently use comparisons with numerical simulations to help find the Rosetta Stone to interpret my observations.
More details on the main research lines:
Stellar disks: the origin of thick disks
I am an expert in the stellar population analysis and origin of thick disks, gathering most of the publications in this field using integral-field spectroscopy observations of edge-on galaxies of different types. I complement with cosmological simulations which offer the key to understand better observations. I am currently leading the analysis of thick disks in the large sample from new GECKOS survey, and progressing with the analysis of larger samples of simulations.
Galactic centers
I was intiated in the study of galactic centers during my postdoc at MPIA in the Galactic Nuclei Group. I was recently awarded with a Maria Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (MSCA), allowing me to start soon my own project about galactic centers: «TraNSLate: Tracing galaxy evolution with Nuclear Structures in Late-type galaxies«. The project proposal is summarized as follows:
«Central regions of galaxies are inhabited by dense small structures, such as nuclear star clusters (NSCs) and nuclear disks and rings. These, at the bottom of the galactic potential well, are important tracers of the overall galaxy evolution, but the dominant mechanisms of their formation in galaxies of different masses and morphologies are still unclear. The TraNSLate project (Tracing galaxy evolution with Nuclear Structures in Late-type galaxies) will shed light on this issue, combining high-resolution zoom-in cosmological simulations with state-of-the-art integral-field spectroscopy observations. TraNSLate will be conclusive on the role of gas accretion and inflow followed by nuclear in-situ star formation, and stellar accretion and migration to the center of a galaxy. First, I will quantify the relative contribution of these processes in the central regions of 50 simulated galaxies. I will identify potential nuclear structures and unveil how they formed going back in time to previous snapshots of simulations. Secondly, I will focus on NSCs in observations of eight massive late-type galaxies (so far poorly studied), and their properties will be interpreted with the help of recipes provided by simulations. Finally, since higher resolution than current state of the art is needed to detect the smallest NSCs, TraNSLate will deliver one NSC-oriented pilot simulation, with a factor of 10 higher resolution, and a detailed plan for a future complete run of 20 more simulations.
Are you a student willing to work with me on these topics?
Please contact me to ask about what projects are available at the moment: Contact Francesca Pinna